Five Frogs were sitting on a log.
One decides to jump.
How many frogs are now sitting on the log?
…. Still five!
That’s because deciding and acting are NOT the same thing!
How many times have you decided you will learn or do something new but then found a few months later or even a year or two later, no progress had been made?
Nothing actually changes without making new choices, innovation and change happens only through action.
No strategy is “great” until it is actually executed.
People don’t like to admit it, or just can’t see it and get comfortable with the situation they are in, learn to accept it and find the reasons to justify that its OK not understanding that even to achieve the same level of turnover or income your actually going backwards – proof of that is the difference between what you could buy for $1,000 twenty years ago compared to now! It still amazes me when people default to the position of “we are okay just staying at this level” – not realising they aren’t staying put – they are moving, just not in the right direction!
Here are comments I often hear from business owners…..
- I need to make more money out of my business, I am sick of the struggle.
- I need to grow the sales of my business but finding that very difficult.
- I am performing okay and making a fairly good living but just want to take my whole business to the next level.
- I need to get a better work lifestyle balance as I am spending too much time at work.
- I need to grow my business to be a real asset.
- I know I should be working more “on” the business but can’t see the wood for the trees at the moment.

When asked what they have done recently to make positive changes in their business to ensure what they want happens, 90% say have done nothing they are too busy, it’s too difficult or too expensive. If they really, really wanted change they would do something to implement it. They actually only “THINK” about change!

Often business owners are waiting for times to get better – as we know business environments do have ups and downs, however when times get better so does the competition, there is always increased competition as others enter a bullish market.
So changing your business NOW will ensure you can capitalise on the better times ahead.