
Brave rest – Ranyard’s Ramblings

Somewhere amongst the busy-ness involved in running a small to medium businesses these days, we need to make room for rest. In the great words of Dr Caroline Leaf, “rest does not equal laziness”.

Rest is brave because it requires boundaries, limits and some element of control.

However in these moments of rest and stillness, we will hear the whispers we cannot hear if we are ‘on’ all the time, chasing busy over business success.The whispers can bring moments of wisdom as our subconscious mind and non-conscious mind are allowed the freedom to become imaginative and develop solutions and new ideas for the business at hand.

Avoid these resting moments and a number of things can happen: the business could stagnate; problems could grow from molehills to mountains; and personal stress levels could escalate beyond control.

Ask yourself: apart from after hours, when was the last time you took a moment’s rest at work and were simply quiet and still?