
Will it work? 1+1=3?

This is the second question you ask if you’re considering hiring a Business Success Partner from Oxygen8, am I right?

So first let’s have a look at why a relationship might fail.

It’s too late – Unfortunately many small business owners put off getting help. They may feel embarrassed, don’t think they can afford it, or just have no idea that there is help like us available.  Either way, if a business is left to wallow, at some point it will fail and even the most focused of interventions may just prolong the inevitable. This was almost the case for one of our recent clients, even though the owner knew exactly what we did (I met him for breakfast every week) he waited almost 3 years before reaching out! By then the business was at the end of its funds and the owner totally stressed out. Now, guess what, we are almost 12 months in and the business has achieved its targets for every month this financial year and are we actively seeking to recruit due to increased demand and the owner is looking forward with optimism.

Not committed – Before we enter into a partnership with a business owner we always ask, “out of 10, how committed are you to making this work?” Bringing change to a business is hard work – it requires dedication and commitment of time, resources and energy. Unless you are 100% committed to your business and building a better future for yourself, then just be content with what you have… but remember if your business is not growing, then your financial security is at risk.

Bad culture – There is a saying that “Culture eats Strategy for breakfast, lunch and dinner!” and I fundamentally believe this to be true. In our working lives, most of us will have experienced a negative culture and hopefully a supportive and positive one too! The difference to a business’s success is dramatic. One of my personal objectives in any new relationship is to have the owner understand that they, and they alone, are the root of culture. If the culture needs attention, then they must lead the change. This is a key component of what we do.

So let’s answer the question –

Will it work?

There are no guarantees in business. The only guarantee we give is that we will do “whatever it takes” to support you and your business into a more successful and sustainable place. Having said that, we know that having a 3rd party alongside with the skills, experience and attitude to win can only do one thing: to challenge the status quo – and this in itself will stimulate change.

If you have read Michael Gerber’s top-selling business book The E Myth (The fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run that business) you will know that there are different disciplines required to run a successful business. It is very very rare that all those disciplines can be covered off by one person. The fact is that most SME business owners are very skilled “Technicians” and then partnering with an experienced “Manager” will deliver a 1+1=3 result.

In summary; don’t leave it too long, if you are 100% committed to making your business work, you want some help in building a positive culture, a good strategy and someone to vigorously manage its implementation then get in touch now for a free diagnostic.  

Yes, it really does work just ask our clients!

Paul Watson- Director and Business Success Partner at Oxygen8 Consulting Ltd