
Ranyards Ramblings – Lock Down

As many businesses are facing tough decisions around the current crisis, being bombarded with statistics, conspiracy theories, rumours, tough measures, control and so forth in the background, as business owners, there are the continuous thought processes around when the lock down ends, as it will, what are my first 90 days going to look like? Are my customers still going to be there? what are they planning to do with me as their supplier? and will my suppliers still be there and what will their demands upon me look like. The list goes on.

The one thing that can help in a situation like this, unprecedented as it is, is to take some of this isolated time to consider

1. A start up plan, what will the first month look like?

2. A 90 day plan and

3. A 12 month plan.

All of which can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be provided they give you something sound to follow. As the saying goes “ the hardest part of most ventures is simply getting started”  This 3 step plan could be called SURVIVE, REVIVE and THRIVE there could even be a fourth, which I am sure many of us have considered which is STAFF. If you need help with some or all of these there is objective independent support available.